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AccuRadio (“Better radio for your workday”) offers over 975 expertly-curated channels of rock, pop, R&B, jazz, country, classical, pop standards, Broadway, Christmas music, world music, and more, targeting an upscale, educated, at-work P35-64 demographic.  AccuRadio is America’s fastest-growing music-based webcaster according to the past six months (January-June 2015) of Triton ...

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Ali Scott
812-339-1195 x204

Accuradio’s St. Paddy’s Party Channel Adds Real Emerald Isle Revelry to March 17th

Shamrocks and green beer are all well and good, but the real heart of an Irish celebration beats in the music, the way it holds us together through thick and thin.

AccuRadio, the fastest-growing webcaster, knows how to channel the Irish spirit. It also knows partiers don’t want to dig for the perfect reel or ballad. They want to find the heartwarming and authentically raucous with just a few clicks. That’s why the platform provides fourteen Irish- and Celtic-themed channels—and why its curators have distilled the most fun and rowdy selections into its “St. Paddy’s  Party” channel.

While only some of us have roots traceable to these cultures, many Americans feel a striking affinity with Celtic music. "Even people with no connection to Irish, Gaelic, or Scottish cultures are still likely to find these channels easy on the ears," explains AccuRadio Executive Vice President for Programming Paul Maloney.  "Much of American modern music has roots in Irish music,” he notes. “Since Irish people immigrated in great numbers not that long ago, the people and their music have an outsized influence on contemporary American culture.”

The webcaster’s Celtic channels were originally conceived and programmed by Emmy-nominated Irish singer-songwriter Michael Londra, currently on US tour with his wildly popular ensemble, Celtic Fire. This is no exception: AccuRadio relies on human curators, not algorithms, to craft tailor-made listening experiences. Its dozen human curators are expert radio programmers who are superfans of their genres.

Even after the official party is over and hangovers subside, St. Paddy’s Party listeners often dig deeper into the history of Celtic sounds and check out the other channels dedicated to Celtic music. They include Radio Celt, Calling All Pipers, Celtic Legends, Celtic Love Songs, Celtic Men, Celtic Women, Celtic Rock, Easy Celtic Pickin’s, First Fiddle, Progressive Celtic, Songs of the Sea, and Traditional Celtic.

This deep knowledge and broad range of curated channels explains why over a million unique listeners use AccuRadio for free via its website and top-rated mobile apps. Listeners can sample 975 channels covering a vast range of genres, eras, moods, instrumentation, themes, and more. Or they can just click a well-chosen channel, and start enjoying that rocky road to Dublin.

AccuRadio (“Better radio for your workday”) offers over 975 expertly-curated channels of rock, pop, R&B, jazz, country, classical, pop standards, Broadway, Christmas music, world music, and more, targeting an upscale, educated, at-work P35-64 demographic.  AccuRadio is America’s fastest-growing music-based webcaster according to the past six months (January-June 2015) of Triton Digital’s “Webcast Metrics Top 20” monthly rankers in terms of year-over-year growth rate (Average Active Sessions, Mon.-Sun. 6a-12m, domestic).  AccuRadio also consistently has the highest Average Time Spent Listening (ATSL) of all personalizable radio brands. Each month, over a million unique listeners (largely in the U.S., Canada, and Japan) tune into AccuRadio via its website ( and its top-rated mobile apps.